Thursday, July 30, 2009

Interviewing with 5 Diamond Elizabeth Mahusay!!

After I had interviewed Joni last week, God pointed my heart to interview Elizabeth this week. When I asked she said she would love to! It took us a bit to get a time down, since we had to work around business and family, and the first time I suggested, she could not do it because she had to share the business with a prospect, how awesome is that? Well, we ironed out all the details, and here it is!

After some kind words about this blog (thanks Elizabeth, you are too sweet!) I really got a welcoming feeling from her and an excitement about the interview. That really put me at ease to share time with her.

Mary: To be leaders and to sponsor, it is important to connect with people. How do you suggest connecting with such a diverse group as we all encounter?

Elizabeth: Well, when it comes to sponsoring, we need to realize that it is not about us, but all about them. We need to be sure to ask a lot of questions about them to be able to learn more about them, and connect with them on a more personal level. Often we do not take the time to learn about them, and that is a big problem.

Mary: What kind of questions do you ask?

Elizabeth: I always stick to F.O.R.M.:
-F: Family- Ask about her family, her kids and her husband if any. What are their names? How old?
-O: Occupation: What do they do during the day? (Make sure you ask this question instead of what her job is, you want her to feel accomplished, even when she stays home with her kids, that's a big job!)
-R: Recreational: What do they do for fun? (She often gets this question answered during her show when she asks what they would do with an extra $1,000).
-M: Motivation: Try to find out what motivates them to find more about Premier, you will use this to bring Premier to them in a certain direction.
Make sure to ask a lot of questions!

As for the Jeweler, you need to let them know that you care about them and not just about what they do in Premier. Get to really know their family, and them on a personal level. Let them feel that they can talk to things not Premier related. Sometimes we all feel burdened when we are talking to someone and we end up "gettin' into their junk" (a.k.a. personal life). But we need to realize that God put that jeweler on YOUR team for a reason, and she needs your support. Once you see them from the other side, it really strengthens your relationship, and gives you a deeper love. Fred and Ihave jewelers and their families over for dinner, and this helps us get to know them better. You also need to ask your jewelers, "How can I pray for you?" This not only builds the reationship, but is a huge blessing for her and her family.

Mary: You spend a lot of your time and energy teaching and training, even those not on your team. How do you spend that time and still grow your business successfully?

Elizabeth: Well, I learned a long time ago that teaching is my own personal gift, even before Premier. I have to be ultra organized, I use a "To Call" list and a "Make It Count" grid (*Both found on the Mahusay Website *). They help me know what I have to do, and they also are tangible proof that I am working my business.

I do love to train. I know that is my calling, and God will make the time for me. In 2008, I traveled a lot and spoke to many people, but I felt like my personal business suffered, especially my sponsoring. My Home Shows were strong, taking care of hostesses and working a show became 2nd nature, so I did it. But I was not able to unconsciously sponsor. Through that, God taught me to be more intentional with sponsoring, so I have learned.

Mary: Wow, that is comforting to know that even though you are a Senior Leader, you still have some of the same learning experiences that all jewelers have.

Elizabeth: We need to remember that ups and downs are all learning experiences! There will never be a time where we are not going through something. God needs to mold us and we all need to grow. When ever I think there is nothing else for me to learn, I pray, "Oh Lord, please don't let me get to the point where I think I know it all." And the Lord will continue to humble me.

Mary: You must have a mentor or two, who are they?

Elizabeth: I have three people: 1st, Julie Colburn, who is my grandmother in Premier. She is a wonderful encourager. Fred and I have a real connection with her. The other two are ladies form church. Gayle and Theresa. Gayle is part of a Bible Fellowship and teaches about God's word. Theresa and I have a strong bond and she brings me God closer. She is my "God sister", and I know that I can get Godly advice from her.

I also want to say it is so important to have a person who you can give and receive Godly advice. We must pray, "Oh Lord, please give me a Godly mentor." Because there is always a lot going on, Premier related and not.

Just then, she asked me to hold on as she had to talk to her son, Samuel. Cuing me into my next question! It really was my next. God touched us at the same time.

Mary: Is it difficult to split your time as mommy of 2, wife, and professional? How do you do it?

Elizabeth: It is always difficult when I don't let God orchestrate my time. When I feel overwhelmed, it is because I have taken over my time and not let God have the control. When I let go and let God lead me, He gives me balance. So it is an issue with me, I must GIVE IN.

I also make sure to do things that bring my family together. I love to cook, so I cook 3-4 meals a week. And my son, Samuel loves to do that with me as well. Because I am cooking, that also means that we are eating together as a family. We have to make sacrifices to do that. Like we eat quite early at 5 or 5:30-but we choose to do it. We eat, then I am usually off to a home show. We must carve out time for family. We plan family time minimally one time a week. For example, we get together and Fred picks out a Bible Characteristic that we are working on that week, like honesty, and we all talk about it. Date night is also a big thing for us. That is time that we work on our marriage. It is a very basic thing. Our hearts hurt for couples who think Premier is a burden on their marriage.

Mary: Sometimes people blame Premier for issues in their life like arguments or added stress on themselves or their marriage. How do you feel about this?

Elizabeth: Well, God has changed both Fred and my lives. He has also taught me about people issues. What appears to be a problem for someone is rarely the actual problem. Like, say a woman is successful in Premier and thinks that because she is successful, she does not need her husband. So, she divorces him. Or, a husband resents his wife because of Premier or the money. Premier just brought the feelings and problems to light, it did not cause them. It is rarely the problem.

In marriages and with all people, we must again, learn to ask questions, to find out the underlying reason. And remember, they themselves might not know the real reason! Problems are a reason for us to both learn from the experience and use them to help others. Now, when I have my own problems I might not be so happy-go-lucky about them. I must remember to stop and ask myself questions to expose the real reason I am going through things and feeling that way. And I must remember that God is always trying to humble me and make me a better person.

Mary: What is your best advice for someone who has not reached a certain level in the time they wanted or who has lost a level?

Elizabeth: This question touches me, because for us to go from 4 Diamond to 5 Diamond was quite a learning experience for us. It took us 15 months. Each times, three times total, being only one jeweler away to finally become 5 Diamond. Prior to that, we had attained 1 level every 12 months, so 3 years seemed like a long time to us. It made us realize that it is easy to follow a title. I had to learn that people don't follow titles, they follow a good leader.

I had to ask myself, what did I do in my first 4 years to grow, and what must I change to continue to grow? It was not easy to change after doing certain things for so long! But God is after different things in all of us. He will push us, prepare us, and grow us. Always make the time that it takes to reach goals. It takes time to grow. And we must all ask ourselves, "Are we making goals our God?" "Are we pursuing God or a goal?".

As for the jewelers that have gone back a level, they must learn that they can love their team, teach them, and pray for them. However, we cannot do it for them. If you understand the lessons that were taught to you through the ups and down, the "blow" is not so hard.

Also, Gary Googe once said to me, "Choleric's can easily fall into managing what they already have. They must work on building new people." We must still encourage and support all of our jewelers, but don't get hooked up on just managing only certain ones or you will go back. Continue to ask God to show you the next person that needs to be lead.

Mary: Wow, that touches on our next question! Do you know your temperament type? Are you mostly Choleric?

Elizabeth: Fred and I train on temperaments a lot, I am mostly Choleric then Sanguine. I have learned to communicate through the years pretty well with all types, but I am still working on Phlegmatic, I am working to learn to genuinely listen.

Mary: What is your favorite Bible Verse?

Elizabeth: Oh, that is a hard one, but I really like Ephesians 1:17-20,

17That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:

18The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the Saints.

19And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power,

20Which He wrought in Christ, when He raised him from the dead, and set him at His own right hand in the heavenly places.

The more I study, the closer I feel to God, and this talks about that. It gives me enlightenment. This verse also says that the enlightenment from God is available to all of us. Not just Myself, or Joni Brummel, or anyone else, it is there for all who are willing to cling to Him and learn about Him.

Also, I have had a lot of pride issues in my life, and still do. I used to believe in Him for very little. When I and all of us realize the power of God, we would absolutely be amazed.

Mary: What is your favorite Rally memory?

Elizabeth: Well, this past National Rally was my.......8th. I have a lot of memories, and prior to this past Rally I would have given you a different answer, but I was touched at the last one. My top favorite memory is when Tim and everyone presented Andy and Joan with the statue. It was amazing, and there will come a day when that is the only way for jewelers to get there picture taken with them. We and all of the jewelers there were a part of it, and it will be a treasured memory. Aside from Primer, they are a great example to married couples. They have been married 64 years!

Mary: And the final question, what is your favorite food?

Elizabeth: Ooh, sweets and baked goods. Especially, red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Yum!

Fred and Elizabeth have been in Premier for 7 1/2 years, they have two boys, Anthony 8, and Samuel 6,they reside in Tampa, Florida. THANK YOU Elizabeth for taking the time for me to interview you! You really are an AWESOME conversationalist and an inpiration! You really touched me!

*Mahusay website:*

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Treasures from Gems - 7 Diamond Joni Brummel!

Joni Brummel, a Premier Designs 7 Diamond Designer is our very first interviewee! We set the date and time to do the interview a couple of days ago, we decided to do it at 1:30, when my children go down for a nap. I called her today exactly at our appointment time. She answered the phone on the second ring, "Joni Brummel, how may I serve you?". Her voice was so sweet!

Mary: Hi Joni! It's Mary, how are you doing?

Joni: Great! Did you get those 3 babies down for a nap?

Mary: Yes! I filled their belly's and they went straight to bed!

Joni: Oh great! What a good Mommy! (She is ALWAYS this personable and warm)

Mary: Well, lets get started! First Question:
What is your motivation when you began Premier and what is it now?

13 years ago when I began, my motivation was to fund my childrens' college, and let them have the opportunity to graduate without the ball and chain of debt. And the main reason is to Minister. I have a special heart for woman that struggle with self esteem. Becky (Her sponsor) helped me see the ability to minister through Premier.

I have since paid for all three childrens' school tuition; Melissa to go through hair school, and Becca and Joel through college. I have also paid for Melissa's wedding.

Mary: And your motivation now?

Joni: Of course to continue ministering and to pay bills and anything that might come up for our family in the future.

Mary: What is one piece of wisdom you wish to share with every new jeweler?

Joni: I always give new jewelers 4 things that they must do:
#1. You MUST be a master booker, You must replace every show with a show, and replace cancellations. To do this you must;
- Believe in our hostess plan.
- Communicate the Hostess Plan clearly
- Ask every customer
It might take time, but remember that God uses us through our home shows, and of course, we make money through our shows. Remember it does not take a certain way-whatever works for you-and be sure to be consistent!
#2. NEVER miss a training. I don't care if you are busy, tired, or have too much going on. You must be there to learn information and to be with other jewelers. Your sponsor cannot teach you everything, you only receive info from her world. At training, you receive info from many other jewelers' worlds. And of course, ALWAYS go to Rally!
#3. Call your upline. This is very important, it gives you accountability, and helps build that relationship. You must trust enough that your sponsor was good enough to bring you into this business, and she is good enough to teach you. You might not agree, or you might not see eye to eye, but it is important.
#4. You must be very excited to show the business plan. You never know, you might meet the next person who needs Premier in their lives.

Mary: Leaders inspire us to do our best, what was the most important piece of advice that you have received?

Joni: I would say, "Do what successful people do". Copy what they say, and their actions. Hang around people that are successful and positive. It even says in scripture that, "Bad company corrupts good character."

Mary: Isn't that the truth!

Joni: It is! You will become the people you are around. If you are a jeweler who wants to be a designer, hang out with designers, if you are a 1 diamond who wants to become a 2 diamond, hang out with 2 diamonds, (and so forth). I am a 7 diamond, so I hang out with Executive Directors like Julie Miller and Julie Colburn.

Mary: Julie Colburn, wasn't she just promoted?

Joni: Yes she was! And she has been in Premier for 11 years. I remember when they we were on Designer trips and they would run up to us and other Senior Leaders and ask if they could hang out with us. They would ask a ton of questions like, "What do you do when," "How would you..". So it is no surprise they are Executive Directors. So I hang out with those people, even if it makes me uncomfortable, or pushes me out of my box. And you must apply it! Use the information you have collected in your own personal business. And do not be too afraid to do well, fear is the enemy!

Mary: Sometimes experienced jewelers feel like the wind has left there sails. How do they catch it and keep sailing?

Joni: (sigh) This is so true Mary, so true. You HAVE to remember, as an experienced jeweler - that it is normal, and you have to stay passionate and must always know your "Why" factor. Why you got into the business. It can't be a title, titles are given and titles are taken away. It must be big enough to push me to do Premier even in the hard times. If it is money, it must have an amount. It can't be "I want to make more money". Well, whatever money you make will be more than you have, and you will just stay that way. You need to say, "I want to make THIS amount of money in THIS time period." And also remember, sometimes jewelers do not succeed or quit because they are afraid to lead. They must have courage, and must allow themselves the chance to lead! Purpose and Passion really come when we work on them.

Mary: What would you say to the jewelers that are doing all the right "steps", but do not feel successful?

Joni:"Well Mary, this is going to sound harsh,

Mary: That's OK, we need to hear the truth!

Joni: Well, those jewelers are not doing the right steps then. The right steps produce the right results, and the wrong steps produce the wrong results. For example, jewelers might think they are doing the right steps when it comes to presenting the hostess plan, but they are not getting bookings. It is not the plan that is not right, it is the direction or communication of it that is incorrect.

I had a jeweler tell me that she was doing the hostess plan at her shows, but was not getting any bookings. I had her come over, and when she got there, I told her I wanted her to role play with me. She refused, she tried EVERYTHING in her power to get out of it. But I told her she would not leave my house until she role played. Finally, she gave in and did. Well, in the first 30 seconds I knew why she was not getting bookings. She was not saying things correctly, and we corrected some small things that needed corrected. And guess what?

Mary: She got bookings?

Joni: Right. And we must also remember that what has worked in the past might not continue to work in the present or future. Things change, our economy has changed, we must adapt to them to produce activity. You might not have had to do certain thing (like booking with boxes) in the past, but you might now.

Mary: Very good point, I guess as we become more seasoned in Premier, the more we think that the correct steps are concrete.

Joni: Absolutely. We must have the courage to change things - it pulls us out of our comfort zone, and no one likes getting pulled out of their comfort zone but if you want to grow as a leader, you have to accept change. God gives us bigger gifts as we personally grow bigger, and as your "box" gets bigger, so does your influence, then your vision, and your character to grow and develop continues to grow.

Mary: What is your favorite sponsoring technique?

Joni: Well it depends on the crowd, I will do Big Money, or the Ask it Basket questions on the back of the big bills. I will either ask the questions, or I will use the money that the questions are on for my Big Money. That way I do not carry more stuff, and I can switch (*finger snap snap*) between them easily .

Mary: Why is it so important to involve the husband at an Opportunity Presentation?

Joni: I believe that God made him the head of household, and I need to honor him and his wife. Him being at the O.P... he needs to be there to ask me questions and have an active roll in the decision. And he thinks differently. Woman tend to think in short terms and are emotional. Men have the ability the see the big picture and in long term. I also want him to get to know me personally, and know that I am not trying to convince or scam his wife.

Mary: How in the world can there be a 6 and 7 Diamond Designer in the little town of Allegan, Michigan?

Joni: Mary, that is a great question!

Mary: Thank you, Chris can up with it, (giggle)

Joni: Good job Chris! Well we (Becky Wallace and herself) know that our world is not the small town of Allegan Michigan. We have the mindset, "Have jewelery, will travel.". Our vision is not the small town of Allegan, our vision is all of Michigan, to the corner of California, up to the top of Alaska and the tip of Texas. We know that we can sponsor anywhere. And that we must train, encourage, and give those jewelers the tools it takes to be successful. And the question I want to ask everyone is, "How big is your world?" If it is as small as Niles, Elkhart, or any other city, then your business will be just as small. But if it is so big that God must help you to achieve it, then your business will be as big.

Mary: How many states do you have jewelers in?

Joni: Oh Mary, I am not sure, (Long pause and counting sounds). Maine, Ohio, North Carolina, hmmm, there is so many too count!

Mary: So you have a lot!

Joni: Yes! I have exactly 400 Jewelers, I just saw!

Mary: Oh wow! How awesome!

Joni: Yes!

Mary: What is a hidden talent of yours?

Joni: Oh man! I don't know! I wear myself on my sleeve, everyone knows pretty much everything about me! I would say I love to sing! I sing around the house, in the shower, and at church.

Mary: That is a very good talent!

Joni: Haha

Mary: One last question: What is you favorite new piece of jewelery?

Joni: I would say the Runway - I love it! It is absolutely gorgeous and will be one of my favorites!

7 Diamond Designers Joni and Mel Brummel have been in Premier Designs Inc. for 13 years. They reside in Allegan, Michigan. They have three children, Becca, Melissa, and Joel. Their 2 Daughters, Melissa Tubergan and Becca Brummel, are also in Premier!

Thank you, Joni, for taking the time to let me interview you and "pick your brain"! I hope that this information helps jewelers across the country grow both personally and professionally!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Beginning

So this is the very first Blog for our "Treasures from Gems" Series. We (Chris and I) will be interviewing awesome Premier Designs Jewelers to really get to know them and there successes! We have hopes for this blog, that we will be able to get some great info out to all of you jewelers out there! Please write me with any comments, suggestions, or ideas!
Chris and Mary Deno