Thursday, September 17, 2009

Interview with 5 Diamond Robin Weller!

Robin is just such a happy and inspiring lady, so I was so grateful and excited when she said she would let me interview her!

Mary: How do you find the time to have a successful Premier business and Family?

Robin: There are two big factors that have helped me to become successful:
1. Schedule, schedule, schedule! This is SO important!

2. Work you business in the nooks and crannies. You can get a lot of calls done while waiting in the pick up line to get your kids from school!

Mary: How important is it to schedule?

Robin: Well Mary, next to having a relationship with Christ, it is pretty important! If you do not take control of your life and schedule the important things, then life will take over you. You must schedule important things in. Things like One on Ones, Home shows, Follow-ups, Courtesy Calls, Family obligations. I do not schedule time everyday to play pick up sticks with my kids, but I do schedule important "mom" time to spend with them with no phone or computer. I then fill in the nooks and crannies with phone calls or play time.

Mary: Were you always so organized?

Robin: (laugh) No Ma'am! It is my weakness. My whole life I have been able to fly by the seat of my pants and be good at it! But the larger we have become in Premier, the more structured we had to become. Even in my house I have had to become more structured and de cluttered! I find that a clean organized house helps me to have a clean organized and uncluttered mind!

Mary: How important is it for someone in Premier to have a "why"?

Robin: So important, we just got the the importance of it. This business is so emotional that if you don't have it, you will fail. You need to have an extreme understanding of your why, because it will pull you out of the trenches of your business. Have it posted everywhere, on you mirror, in your car, on your refrigerator. So you see it and it reminds you at all times.

Mary: How does someone find their "why"?

Robin: They need to search for it. They can find it by asking, "What is my purpose?". And they need to tie it up to Premier to make their purpose come alive. My why is influencing woman in a positive way and having time with my family. That is a huge reason why we sponsor. It helps me achieve my why and we can succeed because of it. And it is alright if you ask yourself sometimes if it is worth it, and it is, it is so worth it!

Mary: Is Byron Center, MI large enough for more than one Senior Leader?

Robin: Yes! We could use about 10 more! I drive up to and hour and a half sometimes to my shows, and if you put a protractor on a map and made a circle from Byron Center and an hour and a half out, that is an extremely large area! They will have customers, new jewelers and prospects in a totally different area!

Mary: How do we inspire those in small town across the country?

Robin: Well, I believe that anyone can have a successful Premier business anywhere! In big town like Dallas or little Wayland, MI, where we were when we started in Premier. We had a thriving business there! One thing everyone must remember, is woman love getting together, and most woman love to shop. So when you have give them that atmosphere, your business will thrive! And it is even better in a small city, because their options of getting a great product for a reasonable price is limited. So small cities have the advantage!

Mary: What would you like to tell everyone who is trying to reach their first level in leadership?

Robin: That is worth every bit of effort! And to keep the focus on helping people become the best person they can be. If you keep the focus on the person and not the money, you will reach your 1st and your 8th level, and beyond! And remember they will become more with your help, they will become a better woman. So don't make sponsoring about a number, make it about the peoples lives you will touch and make better.

Mary: How do you do you opportunity presentations? Do you or does Eric do them?

Robin: We both do, he does quite a bit and so do I. What we use to do them depends on the size of the group. At the meetings with a fairly large group, we use a large flip chart. If it is a one on one I will use the mini flip chart over coffee. And if it is at home with a group of 4 or 5, then I will use the 8x10 chart at our kitchen table. I also have a gal on our team that I had emailed then opportunity to, she emailed her prospect, then all three of us on speaker phone went through it!

Mary: How do you start a new jeweler?

Robin: Well, if you asked me this question a month from now the answer will be different! I just talked to Kathi Pfahl and she gave me some awesome ideas! I have been printing the New Jeweler Folder off of, then handing that to them. It is very simple! But I am always looking for ways to make things simple both for myself and our jewelers. So after talking to Kathi, this is what she does:
She first send an email to the new jeweler with a welcome letter and the following attatchements with descriptions:

-Steps to bookings.
-Thier Family tree/upline.
-The Quick Start/Great Start form found on the Premier Site. she also offers incentives for the new jewler to do things. Like, when she listens to the taining CD, she gets a free money bag from her.
-Where to find things on the Premier site.
-A supplies list.
-Next step in preparing for thier training show.
-A New Jeweler check list to stay organized.
-Then in the email in focuses again on the importance of having at least 6 shows on the books before thier training show.
I love this because not only does this make it simple for me, I know that I have sent them this info and they have it, and they will be able to send it to thier New Jewelers when they start sponsoring, making it very duplicable!

Mary: And our last question is for fun, Whats you favorite past time?

Robin: Well, I love spending time with Eric, one of my favorite things to do with him is just drive to the beach. I also love spending time with my girls. We take walks, and we laugh together. Oh, and of course, I love to shop!

Robin and Eric Weller are 5 Diamond Designers from Byron Center, MI. They have been in Premier for 9 years and have 3 beautiful girls THANK YOU so much Robin for taking the time to talk with me! You are truly a great woman and leader!

1 comment:

  1. I love the positive attitude that just rolls out of this interview. I can just hear Robin's voice in it. She is always smiling and an inspiration.
    I believe my favorite part is that anyone anywhere can have success at this business. It does not matter the size of your town. It is the size of the commitment in your heart and mind.
